Wednesday, 16 September 2015

6 Effective Tips To Give a Perfect Massage To Your Partner

It’s no secret that the power of touch is amazing. The human touch is one of the most powerful tools that not only relaxes our body but also further strengthens the mind-body connection. A massage does not only physical alleviates us but also reliefs us from psychological stress. More so, the usage of herbal massage oils gives added benefits. Here we give you essential tips to must try on your partner the next time you use herbal massage oils.

1. Do not squirt the oil directly on your partner’s body

This is one of the most common mistakes beginners make. While pouring cold oil on warm skin may look intriguing in the movies but it feels terrible in real life. To start with, pour a few drops of oil on your hands and then rub your palms to warm up the oil. Then apply this to your partner’s body. 

2. Don’t Use too much of thumb initially

Another simple yet heavily effective technique that would help you prolong your massage session. Ever thought why do you get tired so early into the message? It’s the thumbs!!! Yes, using your thumbs is the fastest way to tire out. Don’t use your thumbs straight away. The open- hand technique is the best way to start with. Keep your thumb as the secret weapon and save it for the best part.

3. Always start with the head

Rub your partner’s forehead and temples and take time to massage their scalp with your fingertips. This will relax their body and ease stress to begin with. 

4. Keep it slow

Almond based herbal oils are light and easily absorbed by the skin. You don’t need to rush into the action straight away. These massage oils are a great sensual aid. Let your partner’s muscles warm up – slow and gentle strokes will increase the intimacy between you and your partner. 

5. Don’t ignore the feet

This body part is most commonly ignored by many. Just like the rest of the body parts, feet also have pressure releasing points that help our body relax. Use your thumbs to rub the sole and make tiny circles with your fingers; you can also slide a finger back-and-forth between each toe (this will certainly make your partner go wow!!!).

6. The Maximum Touch

Let your palms and fingers relax and contour on your partner’s body. Stiff hands will ruin the massage!!! The more surface area your hands cover, the more pleasurable it is for your partner.

These 6 simple techniques will certainly blow away your partner’s mind. Also, herbal oils will make it better. The rest, is up to you; as long as you enjoy giving the massage, your partner will as well.

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