Tuesday 29 September 2015

Benefits of Herbal Tea

Drinking tea should be taken more seriously. Because it is not an ordinary high calorie beverage! Green tea is the variety of tea which gives out the most impressive results. The benefit bag involves high anti-oxidants, weight loss, better fitness and much more. In depth analysis by scientists have revealed many benefits of this herbal tea.

1.       Get smarter and sharper:
Green tea not only keeps you awake and increases productivity but also stimulates brain activity. Its main ingredient remains ‘caffeine’ (same as coffee) but perfect quantity will never let you feel edgy. Adenosine, a type of neurotransmitter, is slowed due to green tea consumption and this is definitely going to lead you through a long night of hard work. The combination of amino acids and caffeine in green tea acts as perfect boost for night before exam or important presentation.  So consume less caffeine than that of the coffee and earn double benefits!

2.       Full of rare nutrients and minerals
Important organic molecules and cells in body get protected due to green tea because of bioactive compounds. Fight all signs of aging by just sipping a tea as it reduces free radical formation. Free radicals trigger aging process in humans. Epigallocatechin Gallate, a type of antioxidant has blessed green tea with strong medical benefits. Pure form of EGCG is already being used to treat chronic diseases. For best results use green tea from high quality brands as these brands have less fluoride in the tea.

3.       Get better results from workout
Many dietitians prescribe green tea for weight reduction. A better metabolic rate and efficient burning is assured when you are sipping green tea on regular basis. It also makes you more active during work out. Though experts remain divided about the claim made by many consumers, it is definitely better than any other beverage out there for fitness freaks.

If you are looking for better beverage with unending health gains, then grab the nearest packet of green tea! 

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