Since the dawn of ages, a man’s ‘Beard’ has been a symbol of
his honour, social status, and sexual virility. In fact, during the middle ages,
even touching a man’s beard would be considered as punishable. There’s indeed something
about a man with beard that makes him sexy and suave at the same time. Where
mothers certainly expect the guys to be clean shaven and well groomed –
associating the guys with success; the ladies of this millennia certainly have
different thoughts – rugged hairy men is what they want. So without much ado,
here are reasons why we love bearded men
They Look Smart
We have to admit the fact that a man with a
full grown beard undoubtedly looks smarter than a guy who is clean shaven.
George Clooney and Gerard Butler!!! Gosh, should I even give you more
Masculinity Amplified
They look manly!!! This does not
necessarily imply that men with a clean-shaven face are less masculine.
However, a beard as if literally amplifies his masculinity.
They Have a Clear and Wrinkle-free Smooth skin
One might argue that the beard really would
make the skin rough and may cause other problems, right? On the contrary, Beard
guys have the smoothest blemish free baby skin. A beard is the fountain of youth!!!
A man’s beard blocks up to 90% of the sun’s UV rays. And this is a fact!!! More
so, the beard prevents the man from rubbing the natural moisturising oil off
his face and thus no redness or dryness on the skin. The skin feels younger!!!
They Look Older and Matured
There’s a certain maturity that gets
associated with these guys. Also, they don’t just ‘look’ matured, they are.
Ever had a conversation with a beard guy?
They are Patient
This is one thing that is so apparent. The
guy have been patient enough to grow that mane. He certainly has no problems
waiting for things. These guys are cool and calculating.
They are Caring
Having patience is not enough to grow a
beard. These guys take utmost care of their mane and they are caring in general
as well.
They Are Committed
Many men just think of growing a beard and
give up too easily; either they lack patience or they are committed enough!!!
Growing a beard is a kind of commitment that one gives.
We could go on and on but the reasons would
never be enough really. Guys with a clean shave take no offence but Beard guys
are just too awesome!!!
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